The bestest boring blog ever!!!! no its not boring. just as exciting as the life of a teenage chicka

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


okay i would firstly like to say CONGRATS! to snoop dogg for possibly getting a cell and i would also like to say THANK YOU MOMMIE because my mom might let me get a "pay as you go phone" WHICH WOULD ROCK! so yeah. life is good. lol. sam, i saw ur mommy and chatted with her at the open house today! nice! as usual to us friends! and so yeah. we have our last class together and the teacher looks pretty cool, but ya never can tell because YANNO there are parents there and stuff so yeah. I WANT A CELL PHONE sorry. burst of the gimmies. um... yeah not much more to say. i'm going to try and get through my emails. i wasn't able to make much of a dent last time but this time i'm doing it BEFORE i comment :( sorry. but i'll still try and comment. LOVE YA!

Monday, August 29, 2005


sorry! i haven't been able to post in FOREVER!!! gawsh! sammy i know slap my hand. grr. anywhoodles. my life has been NUTSOOOOO! and my email will be full to the bursting point if I don't go check it soon. and you guys' will be (hopefully) missing my comments so I must attend to that as well. GAWSH see what I mean my life is nutsoness?!?!?! yessers well! I watched part of phantom of the opera last night and that was really cool on the big screen and (wait for it) SURROUND SOUND whoot whoot!!! hahaha yes well.
love ya'll
m out

Thursday, August 25, 2005

okay i am fully aware this is #4 in like the past 10 minutes this is titled Help

its okay to be afraid
its okay to hate sometimes
and its totally okay to cry you heart out

i just want you to know
when you're scared and alone
that its okay

and I'm here
you don't have to feel all alone
cuz I know
what you're going through

And its not fair
that you're forced to be so much more
than the ones who are supposed to look after you

and its not easy
when the one's whose job it is to care for you
can't be trusted

So what do you do?
You go to someone else who seems to care
and ya tell them what you're thinking

Awkward it will be
but please don't bottle it all up inside
its not healthy
and no matter what people say
everyone feels the same way

Because its a scary thing
and I know it doesn't help
but trust me it all passes in the ending

And its better to get help
in the beginning
cause you know just how you felt

And no matter what you think
someone out there cares
even if that someone is me

And i'm not even kidding
this poem is from the heart
Because I know what it feels like being alone

and powerless
one right after another
THer's no way out
you're in a sticky situation

and even if the law doesn't believe you
trust me I do

And I know its not much
especially to those who laugh at this poem
but when they are so scared
that you can't think see or breathe
They might feel differently

And remember how that feels
and make sure you don't do that to anyone one else
because they have feelings just like you do

okay this one i really don't like how it flows. actually i don't think it flows at all. grr. ah well. that's for my fwiends. i think its sorta stupid so i don't know why i'm even posting it...


okay you guys i just found a poem i wrote and its SUPER FUNNY! holy cow i'm such a dork!

My mind strays off
I can't stay focused
I need some sleep
But I can't do this

A million things
Running through my head
I wish I could end this
BANG and I'd be dead

SHUTUP I tell the voices
They keep whispering
School get so hard
I can't wait for spring

I hum to myself
I try to shut up
But to stay quiet
I attempt with no luck

LOL hmm... a little AD/HD?


i love these

An ant may well destroy a whole dam.

A book holds a house of gold.

Even a hare will bite when it is cornered.

Have a mouth as sharp as a dagger but a heart as soft as tofu.

Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.

Better to light a candle than to curse the darkness

A book is like a garden carried in the pocket.

Clear conscience never fears midnight knocking.

A closed mind is like a closed book; just a block of wood

A bird does not sing because it has an answer. It sings because it has a song.

Do not remove a fly from your friend's forehead with a hatchet.

Each generation will reap what the former generation has sown.

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

He who asks is a fool for five minutes, but he who does not ask remains a fool forever.

He who strikes the first blow admits he's lost the argument.

Teachers open the door. You enter by yourself.

To know the road ahead, ask those coming back.

Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle. - John Watson

When a blind man carries a lame man, both go forward. - Swedish Proverb

People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within. - Elizabeth Kübler-Ross

For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who don’t believe, no proof is possible. - John & Lyn St Clair, ‘Eyes of the Beholder’

One moon shows in every pool; in every pool, the one moon.
- Zen Forest Saying

The world is like a mirror, you see? Smile, and your friends smile back.
- Japanese Zen saying

Never pretend to a love which you do not actually feel, for love is not ours to command.
       - Alan Watts

Try not to become a man of success but a man of value.
Albert Einstein

Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
Helen Keller

After the game,
the king and the pawn go into the same box.
Italian Proverb

yeah. those are REALLY good. ive heard people taking a quote like that and writing a poem about it. i might give that a try

barn sleepover

i have to work tonight which should be FUN! if any of you guys want to come to Tuesinks please COME! heeheehee! i don't know how much it is but ITS WORTH IT lol. not really though. unless you knwo you're just DYING to see me!!! lol. and afterwards is our barn sleepover! yay? i hope so. im not really looking forward to staying up into insaine hours of the night but w/e it should be fun. i hope. if you guys want to come scare us that would be fun. that's what EVERYONE does so yeah. lol. back barn like after nine. haha. YAY. well, i'm so lost for anything to say so i'm LEAVING oh yeah. i have a shrink app. today so whoo. hoo.
love ya'll

Wednesday, August 24, 2005


here (finally) is my loverly schedule!


Okay first trimester
1st hour French 1 A Cook
2 Treble Chior Daab
3 Geometry A Spence
4 Geography Mulder
5 Science 1 DeRitter

Second Tri
1 Science 2 Schregardus
2 Treble Chior Daab
3 American Government Coyle
4 Economics Sharpe
5 Honors English 9 A Clark

Third tri
1 French 1 B Cook
2 Treble Choir Daab
3 Science 5 Sissing
4 Geometry B Fodor
5 Honors English 9 B Clark



i added new pix GO SEE THEM

Monday, August 22, 2005


DUDE!!!! teachers are making blogs! HOW TOTALLY EMBARASSING IS THAT?!?!?! wow. my teacher has a blog. that sucks

home again home again jiggidy jig

well, i'm home again. i guess it was OKAY not great tho. w/e. It was nice to see relatives again and so yeah. Well, it was nice to see SOME of them. those with divorced parents will TOTALLY get this. Some of my relatives like to pretend my mother doesn't exist. ITS SO ANNOYING! but some are really coolio about it so YAY! i'm gonna post some pix of my vaykay and then some of the barn (i took the camera to teh barn today!!!) so everyone will be able to see strewb and EVERYONE. lol. that is, after i have commented on everyone's blog, and answered emails.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005


i wrote this last night when i was thinkin of all ya. it repeats to much i think but w/e and DON'T FORGET TO GO DOWN AND READ THE POST BEFORE THIS ONE TOO
love ya'll

Friends together
Friends forever
Promise me we'll always be

I have a great tale
And unless I fail
You'll hear of my close friends

They're always there for me
To the end they will be
My bestest friends through and through

My great and bestest friends
Will be there to the end
I can't tell what they mean to me

I've had quite a few
But I never knew
Just how kickin' they could be

We spend time together
I wish it last forever
Cause when I'm with them life is great

We help one another
With problems and with mother
And the rest of the family

Whatever happens to me
No matter how scary
I can always lean on my friends

Cause when I'm alone
All I want is a phone
To call up my bestest friends

It is quite impressive
No matter where I live
In hard times they're always there

Always, no matter what
Their hearts are never shut
And they always seems to be
Awesome and caring

so yeah, not one of my best but w/e


okay many things to deal with in this post
1. mom is being stupid again
2. i had my first ever ortho appoint. I'M SO FREAKIN PHYSCHED! i get my braces 6 days after school starts
3. registration- BE THERE EARLY last year my bro and mom went a little before two and waited in line for AN HOUR AND A HALF! gawsh!
4. life is so crazy and i hate it very much
5. i am officially welcoming nicole to our little "blogger family" because she started one and has mucho mucho life problems as well, so i figure she needs the support you may visit her blog at
please go and comment
6. i can't remember
i'll type more when i think of it
hils we have to take her bowling
oh yeah!
i'm leaving tomorrow from registration for ohio so i won't be on TOO much unless i figure out how to delete the internet history from my dad's comp
i'll ask kray
oh! jk one more thing

and sammy WHAT EXACTLY DO YOU MEAN BY THE POST ON "another poem you guessed it without a name" GO TO THAT COMMENT AND ANSWER MY QUESTIONS RIGHT NOW!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

another guessed it without a name

hils I have no clue why this poem came to me as I was commenting on your site but here ya go

Bad things always happen
It is hard at the time
Hurt and violated
You tell every one you’re fine

It can be hard to move on
Trust me, we all know
But eventually
You have to get past this foe

You try to move on
Life means more to you
Working things out
They always try to

But you can’t go back
Back to that place of hurt
You put it in your closet
And cover it up with dirt

It hurts to much
To think about those times
Just move on
And try to close your eyes

So long as you don’t think of it
You’ll never have to feel that way again
That might not be the way to live
But you can’t stand the way it was back then

Hide it away from everything
And everyone no one has to know
So long as you keep quiet
You won’t have to show

Why is it so hard?
I thought for sure that I’d moved on
I guess sometimes things surprise us
Those who had thought it was gone

But it’s never really gone
Its always a part of you
You carry it around
Every where with you

Trying to ignore it
Pushing it deeper down
Because if you feel that pain
You feel like you’re going to drown

Drowned by all these emotions
There isn’t a way to deal
You can’t stand being hurt again
You’ve forgotten how to feel

Spinning around
Again and again
All these emotions
Bringing you to your end

All that hurt comes pouring out
And suddenly you feel
Now the biggest problem is
You’ve forgotten how to heal


mags pix is letting me post again so there ya go! new pix


okay so ignore the pix site for now i'll let ya know when its up and running again.

I'm DEAD tired from last night. it was a BLAST! GAWSH. My escort is SUCH a sweetie! Like we only HAD to dance one dance together, but any time a slow song came on, he'd come over to me. IT WAS SO SWEET! lol. I think he might've liked me just like because the way he looked at me and I dunno. Probably not since WHAT GUY (besides one) HAS EVER LIKED ME!?! And if he does it'd be JUST MY LUCK because he lives in Wisconsin. lol. But it was fun we were dancing around! I learned how to mexican dance which was fun. I'm not good at it and I have to look at my feet but it was FUN! They had a live band, and when they were taking breaks we got to listen to English music. Which was NICE! I like Spanish, but after a while its like dancing to really good techno. (fyi I hate techno) But with the Spanish music, I love the sound but after a while it's like there are no words cause I don't understand ANY of it. But w/e.

So yes, I'm going to go work on my TOTALLY NOT KICKIN picture site so YEAH love ya'll
plz comment!!!!!!!

Saturday, August 13, 2005


hey my day is super busy today with quincenrrea crap and so yeah. i decided to start a pix blogger which I will tell you every time it is updated and i'm going to go START it then give yall the address. gawd my life is SO busy i just want to CALM DOWN but my life is just going to get more crazy until school starts. gawd this feels NOTHING like summer. i finally met the guy who is my "escort" he is SUCH a cutie!! GAWSH! WOW. hahaha!
we need to do more of that sort of stuff. YAY. ah well, i'm going to go start that since all my pix of friends are at my computer at my dad's house.


Wednesday, August 10, 2005


sorry i haven't posted in what feels like forever!!!! I've been at the barn a TON and like my summer dosen't feel as boring as usual :( I miss it. *sigh* ah, well. It's like I have all these crazy things to do and then I come home and have to do more crazy things and I never get a second to just........ write, or just draw, or just listen to Harry Potter. Its like I'm constantly doing things and I never get to do things for ME. It gets old REALLY fast. I'm tired and sad and upset and probably going to get yelled at twice more tonight. My mom is ignoring me, which usually i would like but I dunno. Its like she's got all these "more important" things to do then be there for me. Shes not even interested in my life any more. She doesn't know who I am, who I've become, who my friends are, or if I'm happy or sad. She's all about work, and her wedding, and HER HER HER and I"m so sick of it!!! WHEN IS IT GOING TO BE ME?!

Monday, August 08, 2005

Frisky Horses

Yep. That's right. Sally, like the "Mom" of most of the ponies there was in heat yet again. Lolz. So yeah. It was pretty scaring to see the male horses like that. EWWWW. I don't think I'll ever forget it. I'm so glad men wear pants. Nicole says they'll get on top of each other, but thank GOD that didn't happen. So where is Beccy? Sam, when will you be home? GRRR HILARY WE HAVE TO HANG OUT!!!! Oh, I'm off to Ballroom dancing lessons. Joy Joy. I have to dance with my bro. UGH. So, yeah. WOOT WOOT. I'm actually sorta excited about learning to ballroom dance though. lolz. Sam, I'll try and post a poem tonight. Recently, I've been more into writing stories. I start a ton of them and don't finish them. Hahaha, so I'm going to keep writing them.
Love ya'all SO MUCH

Sunday, August 07, 2005

hey my home dogs


well, my mom got the bright idea to do a garage sale so i spent the last like hour digging through crap. We also went and donated my old clothes to good will like good law-abiding citizens. Lol, and clothes don't sell at garage sales. So then my mom thought there might be costume jewelry inside. Oh fyi i've been looking for costume jewelry to take apart and make better jewelry. So we went and looked and found KICK ASS STUFF. this is like the upscale good will and i'm not even kidding. It was pretty awesome. My first time in good will and I leave with a positive attitude, always a good thing. so yeah. that was the "BIG" event of my day.
whoo hoo.

but i'm gonna go write (stories not poems) so night all
luv ya

Saturday, August 06, 2005

no worries

she doesn't know. that was something else..... LOL hahaha i think III wrote it..... lol

well i'm glad sammys hotel has wifi cause i was worried. Um... well, i had quinceneda rehearsal today which was totally fun. i saw my friend from preschool and another girl we used to hang out with. I love them SOOOOOO much. But whatever. Yeah, we have to dance with all these TOTALLY hot guys! ! ! So no worries. Some of them put their hand like in my armpit and all the girls we talking after and we were like OMG yeah! GET OUT OF MY BOOB! and another guy was trying to get butt action but w/e they're stupid. Haha

Friday, August 05, 2005

majoro problemo

i think my mom reads my blog

i sat down next to the computer and there was this piece of paper that says all the houses she wants and hten "" I tore off the piece of paper and there's no way she can remember it but if she read some of the past posts........
:( i think i'm gonna be sick


Okay well, I really wanted to put picts of my friends up, but I forgot they were only on the computer at my dad's so RYAN I'M SORRY! lol. Um... for the mean time.... I'LL PUT UP ONE MORE OF ME lol. No, you guys have to see this pict though it's me IN A HUMMER!!!!whoot whoot whooters!

Thursday, August 04, 2005


sorry i couldn't think of a title
Here's a funny saying. No saying this in front of parents

I am sofa king we tod did

um.... well, i worked for the first time today at the barn and that was loads of fun. I worked with Lauren, Ashley, and Francis. i think that's how you spell her name, I dunno. I knew Lauren and Ashley, Ashley cause we went to camp together, Lauren from school. Francis didn't like me I don't think, I thought she seemed nice, she just didn't like me for some reason :( ah well. I got to end trails which is like being the last person in line on the trail rides which was fun. All these weirdos. Like these parents, who have no clue what they're doing and then some who pretend they know what they're doing and they're just being stupid. But very entertaining to watch. Until one wanted to take his horse up next to his daughter because her horse wasn't going, and he had no clue what he was doing and I was like wait here i'm supposed to. That's what I'm here for DUH. Okay well, maybe not those EXACT words but he did block me from getting to her with his horse. I was like MOOOVE gawd. And all these little kids, they're SOOO cute. well, im tired and im going to maybe *hopefully* put up more pix so luv yall


okay i actually found a pict of me..... lol its not a good one but w/e

hahaha it was at a car show in Grand Rapids or Detroit i can't remember which
Lol, but here's me in a Corvette I THINK not positive

i think i figured out picts

that's my eye. pretty wicked huh?


OMG!!!!!!! dude i figured out how you put all of us on the sidebar!!!!!! WAHHOOOOOO yaY!!!!!!!!

Hahaha note my *cows with guns* thing lol!!!! YAY

*another poem without a name*

okay here's a poem that needs serious work lol

Am I beautiful
Am I funny
Am I pitiful
Am I worthless
In your eyes

Am I pretty
Cute funny
Are my jeans a little tight
In your eyes

Do you love me
Do you hate me
Do you despise me
Do you miss me

Do you tell anyone about me
Or am I just another page in your story

What am I
In the book of your life

Your first love
Your frist date
Your first kiss
Your first bait

The love of your life
Or am I just another girl
Who meant nothing

The next girlfriend of the month
The next chick who fell for your charm
The next
Stupid, hated
Loser, Jaded
Girl caught in your trap

Hmm.... something doesn't flow right
What do you guys think? help from ANYONE would be nice (yes beccy you too)

*can't think of a title cause i just woke up*

Okay first of all I'd like to bid Sammy farewell. She leaves for her Grandparents house then on to the Mustard festival. *snort* That's ALMOST as bad as me going to a plane fair. Although at least you LIKE MUSTARD. I don't really like planes. Haha although all theses guys thought I was a TON older than I was. One girl thought I was 23 lol!!! I was like SCORE. Secondly I'd like an update on how the bad things are going. Have you guys started lessons yet? WELL GET ON IT! lol. Sammy you're exempt from this cause you won't be home FOR NOW lol. I am totally the evil band director. Betcha prefer me to Bullard tho huh sam? DUDE he might be moviing!!! There was a moving truck at his house the other day and i was like. Sam is going to cry if he moves. Only those would be tears of joy.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

In honor of my tan

Dan, can, fan, tan
I went with Dan
He said "You can"
I kept a fan

another poem w/o a name

hahaha if i dont' have a name you can pretty much guess it's not one i've worked on too much. Its one of those you got the ideas on paper and now trying to make htem fit so here's just the idea's part


Do you ever feel like you're worthless
Do you ever feel completely alone
Do you ever feel like you're not loved
Do you ever feel like you're not known

me too

Do you ever feel forgotten
Do you ever feel left
Do you ever feel stupid
Do you ever feel second best

Do you ever feel like you feelings
are pushed aside and ignored
because someone else
Seems to be worth more

You're not alone

Ditched, unworthy, not enough
second place
Cast aside, left, thrown down face first in the mud
trying to make it to second base
doesn't feel so good

Do you ever not tell?
Do you ever keep quiet?

Do you ever hide your tears
And bottle your fears
And put on a happy face?

While dying inside.

Yelled at time and time again
Taking in more
You can't take this pain
Goes straight to the core

Somehow you get through it
Taking it day by day
its no way to live
But it's the only way

Sometimes you're to hurt to make things better
To beaten to work it out
Not physically but emtionally
Everyone just screams and shouts

Life's too short to live this way
It's not fair to make me stay
But you make us do it anyway
Life's not fair

Rebecca (....) Klok

WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?!?! YOU HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVER. sadness.... *sniff sniff*

i'm bored again
maybe i'll post another poem. I just feel like its annoying for you guys or something. although now htat i think about it you don't AHVE to read it


i am so bored i've been rereading everyones poems. then i reread all teh posts i've ever posted then i reread all of the comments on the posts. SOMEONE HELP ME FROM MY BOREDNESS.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

*this poem doesn't have a name yet*

Hey I'm going to be posting a lot of poems in the next couple of days, because whenever I'm upset I write and recently my life has been crazy.

This poem is still in the works so any help on it would be lovely and the last two stanzas I don't know where they will fit into hte poem but I'm just gonna put it there in case. Maybe a completely different poem. I dunno what do you guys think?

I feel left out
I feel not loved
I feel like my mom
Has left me for good

She doesn't care
Doesn't care about me
She treats me like shit
And doesn't realize it

I want her back
I miss my mom
How's a girl supposed
To make it through all alone

Thank God for my friends
For without them I'd be dead

She yells at me
I take it in
She cares to much about my kin
To notice me

Where'd you go?
I want you back
The caring, loving, funny
Mom that I had

You were the best
Any kid could ask for
Better than the rest
But now you're gone


well, last night my mom and i really got into it but i don't want to go down that road. I'd rather focus on something else. I get to go see my shrink today. YAY. He's SOOOOOO cool!!!!! And I can talk to him about this mom stuff. So yay? I'm really tired but I WANT YOU GUYS TO POST MORE POEMS RIGHT NOW!!!

Monday, August 01, 2005

parents suck even more

why do they only care about themselves? gawd my mom is such a bitch!!!!!!!!! i hate her! at least right now i do. She is SO mean!!! gawd i just want to like fucking move out. She always puts herself before anyone else. Oh wait she's interested in Kramer's time at Oshkosh but not mine! Why would she!?! David is the only one who seems to care. Fuck now i'm crying she's gonna get pissed. She's not nice any more. She just like yells at me instead of talking to me. She expects me to come to her with my problems but then yells at me about htem. She like interupts and ignores me. And I don't do anything. I don't know why. I just take it. I can't take any more though. I hate this. It's like one thing after another after another and she's gonna get here see me crying explode and we're gonna get in a HUGE fight. I know it. She just keeps being mean to me cause i dont' do anything. She takes advantage of the fact that I don't stick up for myself in front of her. I want to go to my dad's. Sorta. FUCK! I want to be anywhere but here. Wow. I miss my friends like nutso. you guys are really awesome. Like i said on hils blog. . . was it hils i dunno. Why do I always miss you guys a FREAKING TON (like so bad that i'm going between the four blogs waiting for someone to update or post) whenever I'm sad. Well, someone plz update. Or post. Miss y'all

GOD!!!!!!!!!! hilary now i see why you cut.

parents suck

gawd you do one little thing and they FLIP OUT! it drives me crazy!!!! and now i have to go downtown to some shitty thing with my mom that she gave me ONE HOUR'S notice and i just don't want to adn she's gonna yell at me there more. She hates where she works so much and she takes it out on me. But not david HO NO! Just me. Not Kramer. Just me. WHY ME!?


Okay possible lyrics to a song? This sounds way better when I sing it in my head so the parts that don't fit are GOING TO hahaha and I OBVIOUSLY need to change some of it. Keep me posted on how lessons are going for yo' instrument.

I thought I liked someone
Thought with all my heart and soul
No, I knew I liked him
He was
Cute beyond belief
HIs smile made me melt
And when he'd look at me
I was powerful
A rush right up to my throat
He was the one for me

Then you came
You threw off everything

I was so sure
So sure I had me figured out
But my head is spinning
The world keeps on passing me by

I fall down and you pick me up
You're the first one to help me some
But where's my wonder man now?
Not here
Sure he's hot and so cute
His smile is to-boot
But you're here
And your not that bad
In fact I like you better instead

Sure you're not as cute
But you've got ambitions
You want to go somewhere
You've got the positive outlook
That I need

Why did it take me so long
You'd been right there
Staring me in the face

I saw you
Your face
But I never really looked
To find a different place

And I'm not going to hold back
This time
We saw how well that worked
I won't do it again
I have to tell you so....

When I see you I get a
Rush right up to my throat
You are the one for me
Before you came
I didn't know anything

I'm so sure
So sure I have us figured out
Cause you are everything
I want I need
I'd hoped and wished for
Growing up
Beautiful scenes in my head
The one face that's missing is yours

I have an idea. Any time you think that a stanza in my poem could work better this way or needs changing here or w/e post it and then we can like work on them together. I want help on my poems so like SAM it won't hurt my feelings or anything. It's the only way they're going to get better right?


okay camping officially sucks. Did i mention how loud my brother and father are at SNORING!? Sam, you know. imagine my dad x2 and RIGHT NEXT TO YOU ON EITHER SIDE. gawd. But ah well. The planes were FUN! We had to direct them in and like part them and stuff and do all the funky hand signals it was FUN! We also did things like crowd control cause as soon as people see a spinning propellor they have this urge to run at it! yay. So we had to stop them from doing that. And we got to yell at these people who were like trying to cross on this taxiway. There are like all these different sections to the place and you have to cross an active taxiway to get to where we were. There were crosswalks at either end, but still people wanted to use the taxiway so i was like "Sir! Could you please come on this side of the fence. That's an active taxiway! Thanx so much" heh heh. so yessers. and now i'm just DEAD tired. but it was fun for the most part. I got a ton of signitures because there are some SERIOUSLY famous people there. Harrison Ford was there but not on the days I was :( Travolta didn't show! UP HIS! lol. but i got people like Bud Anderson, Jack Roush, General Olds, Reggie Urshler, and many more. That will mean nothing to most of you but if you know your flying P51 WWII stuff it will mean a TON. Chuck Yeager didn't show for the first time. I heard everyone at Oshkosh hates him cause he's such an arrogant prick. Hahaha and he's like a total womanizer. but they're all sexist so whatever. Dude, officially Sean Tucker and Patty Wagstaff are THE coolest people EVER! I didn't meet them but oh well. I watched them. And I saw Proteus, and the White Knight fly. This is something you guys should know. There is this competition called the X-Prize. What you have to do is create a plane that can carry passengers just like any other adn go into space. Land, safely and repeat the trip again in two weeks. This is the beginning of civilian space travel. I was litterally within touching distance, and I got to see it fly. The P-51 Mustang was a fighter plane in WWII and that was mainly what i was working with. What was cool was that the Mustang the car was tied to the mustang the plane. So, Rhonda (our head) like parked her mustang in with the planes. When these people told her she'd have to move it, Edson Ford said "I like it there" and they said "Yes Sir" Edson Ford is Henry Ford's grandson. He remembers driving around with "grandpa" and Thomas Edison!!!!!!!! GEEZ! He even has a car named after him. So yeah, but get this. Carrol Shelby shows up in a mustang. For those who don't know who carol shelby is- he's like the GREATEST car designer in the world!!! He like is almost dead. But have you eva heard of teh Shelby Mustang. Or the Shelby this Shelby that whatever! I saw him. My brother went up and shook his hand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's BIG. but yeah.

Last thing. We had these two British guys on our Volunteer team. They were SO cooL!!!!!!!!!!! Alec, and Steve. Alec, one night was like (with the accent)"Maggie, will you tell Rhonda I'm going to have a shower, I'm a bit hummy" and i was like sure. lol. Then when someone showed him their REALLY COOL watch he's like "Geez, you're a bit of a Flash Cow aren't you?" THen he laughed. I asked him what it meant and he said show off. So, possible band name? Flash Cow or Showoff?

lovelove i'm tired and sick of typing

my pet! my pet! Carefree
You're just the happy go-lucky type. You might have
your pet peeves, but other than that, you're
mainly calm. Blending in with your
surroundings, you're the type of person who
everyone likes. Usually it's you who cracks
jokes at social gatherings - after all,
laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes you
pretend to be stupid, but in all actuality,
you could be the next Einstein. water goddess
You are the Goddess of the Seas, or the Ocean
Goddess, or the Goddess of the Lake, or even
the River Goddess. Lets just say the Goddess of
all things Water!! Your emeotions change just
like the tides and, yes admit it, you can be a
little bit more emotional then any of the other
goddess's(sp?). But, even though you are
emotional, you are one of the stronget
goddess's(sp?)!!! Your power jewel is an
Aquamarine(me:didnt see that one comming*note
the sarcasm*). Your colors are any type of blue
and sometimes green. Your metal is Uranium(me:
don't ask) and your animal (me:well in this
case 'half-animal') form you take is a mermaid cancer
You are a Cancer, the funniest sign of the zodiac.
You are family-oriented, loyal, lovable, kind,
sensitive, intuitive and imaginitive! You are
very, very protective of your friends, and you
give them great advice! The animal you are most
like is, a crab! Crabs are very smart, mabe
thats why they have lived for over 500 million
years! Crabs have a tough exteriorin which they
hide their soft-selfs (just like you and your
emotions). And just like the crab, you have two
ways to go in life, the hard lifeless shell or
the heart!
Take the quiz:
What Is Your Movie Kiss?

Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones
Your movie kiss is Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
You Are a Visionary Soul
You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness. Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connect to your soul. You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable. Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings. You have great vision and can be very insightful. In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself. Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend. You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer. Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul
What Kind of Soul Are You?
~*~Result nr 8~*~

Your power is: Extreme healing powers

Explanation: When injured your body
focuses on the wound and heals rapidly, within
a few seconds. This makes you pretty much hard
to kill and you can help people in danger using
yourself as a shield. Almost anything is
possible in combat but you prefer looking after
others. In bad purposes you can do the same as
above but for evil intentions.
This power fits you pretty good since you want
to help those around you, and when you are
pretty much unstopable, that's not an obsticle.
You are caring and nurturing and are more a
pascifist. Even if you know there are much
unfairness in the world you still chose to see
from a positive angle because you belive in the
good of this world. You are probably friendly
and have a soft spot for people who are not
accepted. Though to others you come of as naive
and gullible. You could be taken advantagde of
if the wrong person comes around. Even if you
could be seen as pure, you are not that
completely since you're human and make mistakes
Negative aspects: If your naiveness has
been making you blind for too long you could go
into dark thinking.

What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]
brought to you by Quizilla Sirius
You are Sirius Black! You are the kind of person
who will fight for your rights and try to win
the battle. You like to be close to your
friends especially James Potter. You can be
reckless but you are kind and good to certain
people you like. Try to be kind to others and
forget about the past.

Harry Potter Personality Quiz (anime pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla