The bestest boring blog ever!!!! no its not boring. just as exciting as the life of a teenage chicka

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Oh Happy Days!

Sorry for the last, slightly emo post.

I'm glad to say that the dramatic things that were previously taking part in my life are quickly resolving themselves and nothing could make me happier!

I also feel that I need to anounce this to the general public . . . I'M GOING TO PROM! Yay shopping for new dresses! So, I'm kinda excited...but I also don't want to be a stuck up bitch about it. I'm just super excited. You guys know that I like this sorta stuff! Also, I'm going with a guy who I like a lot...right now as a friend!

As for the Harry Potter theories. I recommend to anyone interested that Beccy left some pretty interesting comments on my HP post down there that are worth a looksie! However, I must say that I like the idea of "Volderoooney" (I laughed OUT LOUD when I read that!) would be Lucius in Gringotts. It makes me laugh. Ooo kinky things could happen in those vaults!
"Yes, even chromosomes do kinky things"
oh dear. yay for embarrassing moments?
"YEAH! like you think they're like your twin soul or something?"
"...oh, well"
"Oh, no it's okay! At least you don't think you're related to people!"
"Actually I used to think that my neighbor across the street was my dead grandfather in disguise."

Saturday, April 07, 2007


Thanks for commenting Hilsies, I love you lots.

It's okay Boo, because I know that you are out of town and thus have not been able to comment on previous postings otherwise I am SURE that you would have! Teehee!

I was just thinking about how much I treasure my friends. I mean, honestly, without them I am nothing. And without them, I do not laugh. Without them, I do not smile. Without them, life isn't fun. I love my friends, yes I do. They're for me AND NOT FOR YOU.

Wow, I have NO CLUE where that came from!

However, my life is not interesting and there is no real point to this posting ... so i'll just give you these to think on...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Keeping Up With Tradition!

Hello All!

For those who haven't seen my previous post (scroll down) I heavily encourage reading through it because it talks about a lot of my Harry Potter Cover Theories. Please leave comments! I'd love to hear all your theories!

So, I'm updating again just because I enjoy doing it and because I want to start updating again. I'm in Ohio with the Fam! It's been a lotta fun, but the family can be slightly tiring. I love them all DEARLY but you know. Heh. But, I'm soooo glad to be here. It rocks. However, it is snowing here which means its gonna be BAAAAAAD back in Holland. So, I'm SERIOUSLY itching to go and see Blades of Glory, but I said I'd wait for Beccy so that we can go together! Anyone else is welcome, too! Beccy, if you see it without me I swear to GAWD and BUDDAH and ALAH and EVERYONE ELSE that I will FLAY YOU ALIVE. And then I'd go cry.

I saw meet the Robinson's which was REALLY suprisingly CUUUUTE! I'd really enjoyed it!

I love and miss you all SO MUCH!
Your favorite RedHead!

Monday, April 02, 2007


i'm so sorry that I haven't been able to post in awhile. I've been slowly getting back into the groove of things, but I miss you all SO DEARLY!

Not too much has been happening with me.... I've almost forgotten what to write about! The new HP covers are so exciting! I'll share the theories that we've discussed (most of you know about them already but for those who are... out of the loop...) .......

Obviously the UK adult is the locket. This also makes me think DUH! That Regulus could be a "deathly hallow" I MEAN HELLO! Anywho it also makes me think that the whole locket business is going to play a much bigger role than I had previously thought.

Next, the US version is quite interesting. Of course, looking at this always makes one appreciate the amazing-ness of Mary GrandPre's artistic ability it tells us a lot. Firstly, Harry's wearing a sort of neaklace, and I don't think he's gone homo on us personally. Locket? Eh, maybe but I think he'd wanna be more careful with it. Though, Dumbles did wear that ring, but that coulda been to scare Slughorn... sheesh.
Also the curtain could be the veil...though, I dunno.... and the dias and I just have a rough time believing it... Harry and Voldy are both reaching for something and the people surrounding them could be Death Eaters or the "deathly hallows."

I purposely saved the UK Kids for last because it is the most interesting. I'd like to draw your attention to the color behind the portal that they seem to be falling into... now go recheck the colors Mary GrandPre chose for the US version...and the stone archways?! However, that would mean that they were falling out of like a fucking airplane or something. OR A PORT KEY! Sorry, that just came to me. However, the gold and rubies led John Hamilton (LOL BECCY!) to believe that there is a Horcrux in Gringotts. I, however, am hesitant... but, it is the safest place to leave something..."'cept perhaps Hogwarts." ;) But, I also want you to notice the elf-like thing on Harry's back and the sword he is holding. Goblin? Or houself? Personally, I'm going houself but who is it? Kreacher? Dobby? Winky? Not the ladder. Also, the sword of Gryffindor is described as being "ruby-encrusted" so I don't really know... sounds good, tho doesn't it? It would tie in with Godric's Hollow. WAIT. Hollow/Hallow. Dang.

I think that's most that we came up with.... I prolly forgot some stuff. Beccy, remind me if I have. You have much more brain power than little I. (i'll get crap for that later)

anywhoo dearies I've missed you all SOOOO much!
and i'm reading "gossip girl" right now.
It's one of those books that should be illegal because I could probably read it in like 3 sittings. It's trashy, easy to ready, completely pointless. BUT LOADS OF FUN!
love you all!

my pet! my pet! Carefree
You're just the happy go-lucky type. You might have
your pet peeves, but other than that, you're
mainly calm. Blending in with your
surroundings, you're the type of person who
everyone likes. Usually it's you who cracks
jokes at social gatherings - after all,
laughter is the best medicine. Sometimes you
pretend to be stupid, but in all actuality,
you could be the next Einstein. water goddess
You are the Goddess of the Seas, or the Ocean
Goddess, or the Goddess of the Lake, or even
the River Goddess. Lets just say the Goddess of
all things Water!! Your emeotions change just
like the tides and, yes admit it, you can be a
little bit more emotional then any of the other
goddess's(sp?). But, even though you are
emotional, you are one of the stronget
goddess's(sp?)!!! Your power jewel is an
Aquamarine(me:didnt see that one comming*note
the sarcasm*). Your colors are any type of blue
and sometimes green. Your metal is Uranium(me:
don't ask) and your animal (me:well in this
case 'half-animal') form you take is a mermaid cancer
You are a Cancer, the funniest sign of the zodiac.
You are family-oriented, loyal, lovable, kind,
sensitive, intuitive and imaginitive! You are
very, very protective of your friends, and you
give them great advice! The animal you are most
like is, a crab! Crabs are very smart, mabe
thats why they have lived for over 500 million
years! Crabs have a tough exteriorin which they
hide their soft-selfs (just like you and your
emotions). And just like the crab, you have two
ways to go in life, the hard lifeless shell or
the heart!
Take the quiz:
What Is Your Movie Kiss?

Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones
Your movie kiss is Star Wars Episode II Attack of the Clones!

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
You Are a Visionary Soul
You are a curious person, always in a state of awareness. Connected to all things spiritual, you are very connect to your soul. You are wise and bright: able to reason and be reasonable. Occasionally, you get quite depressed and have dark feelings. You have great vision and can be very insightful. In fact, you are often profound in a way that surprises yourself. Visionary souls like you can be the best type of friend. You are intuitive, understanding, sympathetic, and a good healer. Souls you are most compatible with: Old Soul and Peacemaker Soul
What Kind of Soul Are You?
~*~Result nr 8~*~

Your power is: Extreme healing powers

Explanation: When injured your body
focuses on the wound and heals rapidly, within
a few seconds. This makes you pretty much hard
to kill and you can help people in danger using
yourself as a shield. Almost anything is
possible in combat but you prefer looking after
others. In bad purposes you can do the same as
above but for evil intentions.
This power fits you pretty good since you want
to help those around you, and when you are
pretty much unstopable, that's not an obsticle.
You are caring and nurturing and are more a
pascifist. Even if you know there are much
unfairness in the world you still chose to see
from a positive angle because you belive in the
good of this world. You are probably friendly
and have a soft spot for people who are not
accepted. Though to others you come of as naive
and gullible. You could be taken advantagde of
if the wrong person comes around. Even if you
could be seen as pure, you are not that
completely since you're human and make mistakes
Negative aspects: If your naiveness has
been making you blind for too long you could go
into dark thinking.

What Power is Compatible With You? [beautiful anime pictures + 12 detailed results]
brought to you by Quizilla Sirius
You are Sirius Black! You are the kind of person
who will fight for your rights and try to win
the battle. You like to be close to your
friends especially James Potter. You can be
reckless but you are kind and good to certain
people you like. Try to be kind to others and
forget about the past.

Harry Potter Personality Quiz (anime pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla