Okay so can i just say
THANK GAWD EXAMS ARE OVER!!!! (insert 72 more exclamaition points here)
uhoh sammy did i screw up my side bar again? (fixed it -says sammy)
anywho not too much going on here life is pretty uneventful...
i wanna go see the pink panther because I HAVE TOO because i L-O-V-E the originals they're like nearly as good as monty python and the holy grail! but this movie is gunna suck.
anyone who wantsta come lemme know
i have my cell on and i'm at my momma's this weekend
luv you all
(hils you BETTER BE HAPPY)
OH the reason i haven't been updating is becuz i'm so FREAKIN' busy with track!!! i can't even check my emails properly these days!
oh and okay i know i missed the original shock but JKR put up the entire black family tree and i wanna know what you guys think... if you haven't seen the WHOLE and COMPLETED one go here:
lemme know what you guys think!!!
luv you all tonso